So, a fresh page. The drab year of 2024 is history. A new year lies ahead. And today, January 2, is a day for New Year resolutions.
Or for one resolution. A resolution regarding this, my blog.
I posted 27 times in 2024. The most pathetic total in my history of blogging, dating back to 2007. Compared with 148 posts in the dispiriting pandemic year of 2020. And compared with 52 posts in my worst prior year -- the prior year being just last year -- 2023.
Something has gone wrong. I won't speculate what's gone wrong. I'm not sure.
I had an annual check-up Tuesday, and achieved a perfect 10/10 score on my cognitive ability test. Just like President Trump did, which is very reassuring. But it also means I can't blame diminished mental capacity. I can only blame myself, which I've always been unusually capable of doing.
Which brings me back to my New Year resolution. I resolve to force myself to write two blog entries per week for the month of January. Even if I can't think of anything interesting to say, I'll say something uninteresting. I'm going for quantity, a minimal quantity. Two per week.
We'll worry about quality in February. Assuming I live up to my resolution in January.
Today's pathetic whining counts as blog entry No. 1.