Friday, June 4, 2010

Along for the ride

Incompetence pays off at times. Last weekend, ten of us chipped in to charter a sailboat, setting sail from the Berkeley marina and heading out onto San Francisco Bay. (Many of us were the same folks who set out on an earlier sail in November 2007.)

Chris was once again our captain, assisted by one of his local sailing buddies. Denny, who has been taking sailing lessons, stood in ably as their apprentice.

The remaining seven of us lay back and watched the Bay, its bridges, its ships and boats, and its occasional wild life. And we watched our three competent sailors rushing about, raising and lowering sails, unfurling the jib, securing lines, putting out and bringing in bumpers, sailing before the wind and tacking against the wind, and whatever other nautical things such people do. And we discussed our upcoming lunch stop in Sausalito. It was quite relaxing and very entertaining.

For the Incompetent Seven, our primary task was to keep out of everyone's way and avoid being conked on the head by the swinging boom as the boat came about. Now and then, one of us would be invited to take the wheel. When things were well under control. A bit like being 15 and invited to take the wheel of your dad's car -- but only in a large, empty parking lot where there was little damage to be done.

Much fun. I'm a bit jealous of the Competent Three. But only a little. Sometimes in life, it's quite enjoyable to be just a passenger.

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