Sunday, August 26, 2018

"Highland Ghosts" visitors

Aside from a few friends and family members, my readership has always been a great mystery to me.  I know I have worldwide readers, and I know which countries they're from.  But that's pretty much all I know.

During the last 48 hours, Google Blogger (which hosts this blog) has reported 36 visits to one of my 2011 posts entitled "Highland Ghosts" -- an account of the Glencoe Massacre in the 18th century.  The visits have come not from just one person or one country.  They have come from readers in Germany, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, France, and the United States -- and possibly other nations.  It's a strange pattern.

"Highland Ghosts" has attracted more readers than average.  But until now, over the past seven years, the visitors have just trickled in.   I've never seen anything like this burst of activity.

Was "Highland Ghosts" cited somewhere in a travel article, or by a school history teacher?  I can't figure it out. If anyone reads this post and knows or suspects why readers have shown this recent interest, I'd love to hear from you.  Just add a comment below to today's post.

Thanks, and be careful about letting English soldiers sleep overnight in your house!

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