Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The major lift, the minor fall

And even though it all went wrong,
I'll stand before the lord of song,
With nothing on my tongue
But hallelujah.
--Leonard Cohen

It was but five days ago that I triumphantly posted the news -- my house was to play a major role in a major indie film starring major Hollywood actors.

Pride goeth before a fall, they say. On Friday, I negotiated minor changes to the producer's proposed contract, giving them access to my house for just over two weeks. Los Angeles counsel agreed to my changes. The price was right, the terms were agreed to, the contract was signed. By me, that is. As soon as the contract was signed by the producer, the check would be cut, and my cats and I would have four weeks to find somewhere else to live during the filming. I notified relatives. I bragged to friends, even as I sought their help in finding a temporary home for my cats.

I worried about the cats, of course, but was otherwise ecstatic. Not only because of the amount I was being paid, although it would make a significant contribution to my budget for the year, but because I was -- however marginally -- becoming part of a movie production. Well known actors would be occupying my house! Bright lights! Filming! Show biz egos expanding all the way from my basement to my attic!

The stature of the stars who would be in the film ensured that the film would be released widely. Next year, I would sit in a theater, I daydreamed, and watch those stars enact a story in my very own house.

The check didn't come on Monday, as promised, but I'm used to checks not arriving on time. But then, today, the bombshell. Let me quote the email, sent to me and my next door neighbor, in its entirety:

Don and Lisa,

It is my sad duty to inform you that our movie has been cancelled. I will call you later to explain but wanted to let you know immediately.

[Name deleted]
Location Manager
"The Details"
1310 Mercer St. Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98109

That's it. I still haven't received an explanation. How can a major film, scheduled to begin filming in four weeks, be simply "canceled" with no advance warning? Beats me.

Am I upset? Dunno. My cats are happy -- they never fully supported the idea of living in a cage for two weeks. Having all my goods moved out of the house and back in again would have been a pain. I'm a bit embarrassed, after bragging to one and all about my good fortune. I'll certainly miss the cash, which I'd already mentally spent to a large degree.

But hey -- it was fun and glamorous, even for a week or so, to believe myself part of such a big production. The gods gave me a present out of the blue, and the gods have taken it back. I haven't lost anything I actually earned. I won't have the film to watch, but I've had a chance to look in upon the world of film for a very brief time. I'll remember the experience. And the excitement.


Tawny said...

well maybe they will get additional funding and be back on again! We can always hope. I've worked with one on the producers before, Mark Gordon. He's a nice guy.

Well at least the cats are happy.

Rainier96 said...

It does sound like a funding problem, doesn't it?