Sunday, June 10, 2007

Pigs on Parade

Some towns go to the dogs. Seattle always has to be a little bit different ...


Zachary Freier said...


So why exactly...


Rainier96 said...

Hahahaha! I'm not sure why, but every year they appear all over the city. This is just a small sampling. Various groups get together and make a pig. I should check out what's going on, I guess.*** But they are fun to look at. Some are weirder than any of these, but these were the ones available when I had my camera.

Or maybe you meant -- "WHY IN HELL DID YOU PUT IT ON YOUR BLOG?" Oh, well, I'm an idiot.

I'd never heard that Mozart fantasia before, so I got it on a CD ("CD" = prehistoric way of storing music :p ...). It's very nice. I wonder where you ran into it the first time?

***Oh, there's a Pigs on Parade website. It's a fundraiser for the local farmer's market, a major tourist attraction.

Suzanne said...

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down. Pigs treat us as equals.
-Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Rainier96 said...

Hahahaha. I could entertain myself all day just on Churchill quotations.

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." And he DID. And it WAS!

How about that Denny? Send your Cuz some congratulations! :-)